


主要用途 main use:保育園 nursery school

敷地面積 site area   


建築面積 building area 


延床面積 total floor area


Kikyo Nursery School affiliated to Ohta General Hospital

掲 載 誌


エントランス entrance

遊戯室をみる view toward playroom

園庭よりみる view from playground

コンセプト concept


 This building is for nursing children ranging from babies to five-year-olds. By increasing the openness of the space, we designed it so that children can interact with other age groups as they become older. We have taken extra care not to make the space too uniform or abstract, even with the added openness. From the playground, the pendent eaves give the impression they are floating off the ground. By way of a void, one can expect active participation from the infant space. It is our intention to make it a "Children's Theater", in which the actors and the spectators change roles and become one.


遊戯室をみる view toward playroom

南側外観 view from south

1 食堂兼室内ステージ dining room and

indoor stage

2 遊戯室       playroom

3 保育室       child care room

4 屋外ステージ    outdoor stage

5 テラス       terrace

First Floor Plan

Second Floor Plan