


主要用途 main use:保育園 nursery school

敷地面積 site area   


建築面積 building area 



延床面積 total floor area


Kikyo Nursery School affiliated to Ohta General Hospital


Extension Work

掲 載 誌

新建築2006年1月号,GA JAPAN 78号

新設木製テラスをみる view toward wooden terrace

トンネル家具 tunnel furniture

家具は分割できる furniture can be divided

コンセプト concept


既存部(Existing part)

増築部(Extension part)

1 エントランス(Entrance)

4 保育室(Child care room)

2 遊技室(Playroom)

5 木製テラス(Wooden terrace)

3 保育室(Child care room)

 This architecture is an extension of a nursery school affiliated with Ohta Nishinouchi Hospital. Because light at the child care room side had to be blocked during the construction period, roof panels and bolted connection were used to minimize the construction period. The extension has a combination of opaque and translucent ceilings, which make the space look like an "engawa" added to the existing architecture. The addition of this extension blurs the border between the inside and the outside. An intermediate space between the inside and the outside was created, where people feel as if the child care room has been extended outside, and also feel as if the playground comes into the child care room. As a result, the children can conduct activities continuously in the internal space and at the playground.



First Floor Plan 


南側外観 view from south

木製テラスをみる view toward wooden terrace